About Us
Japan is currently facing a population crisis which will see the productive workforce drop dramatically. In order to counter this, Japanese companies are trying to attract more and more people from overseas to Japan in the form of foreign workers, international students and tourists.
This is where our FOODPICT come in: to aid the creation of a diverse country through food.
We are inspired by the concept of 'Omotenashi' which refers to Japanese traditional values of hospitality, and hope to extend this to our foreign workers and visitors, particularly in the run up to the Olympics.
We aim to do this through the use of pictograms but also through Destination Management Organization (DMO) projects to convert whole areas into easily accessible tourist destinations.
Next Diversity also provides a consulting service for businesses to support them in their attempts to make their businesses more friendly to foreign tourists and workers, thus expanding sales and supporting globalization.
We are driven to make Japan accessible for all and instill in them a desire to come again.
We thank you in advance for your support.
Takehisa Oku